Friday, September 28, 2007

Picking a Product to Sell

Often thought of as the most important part of starting a business is picking a product to sell. Though picking a product that someone will buy is clearly a vital part of a business, it is not the most important. I will tell you more about what is in a couple of blogs.

Choosing a product with mass appeal is not as difficult as one might anticipate. To many, it comes in a flash of inspiration. Why didn’t I think of that before? But if you aren’t this lucky, there are ways to force your flash to come to you.

Products with mass appeal do one of two things: improve upon something that already exists or creates something new that people later can’t understand how they lived without (i.e. cell phones). Finding a product that does one of these two things is as easy as listening to your inner complainer.

Your inner complainer is a genius at coming up with ideas. When you find yourself asking “why isn’t this product made this way so we can more easily ______?’ For example, why can’t we make phones that are portable, so that we can call people even when we are on the go. Or maybe your inner complainer ask “why is this so inefficient?” It is then up to your inner problem solver to ask “how could I make this more efficient?” If you find a product that improves upon an already established product or solves a problem, you are on your way to starting your own business.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Starting an internet business

I've recently started an internet business called WEBillions. Being new to the land of marketing and web design, it's been an interesting experience. In this blog, I plan to talk about my experience thus far in order to encourage and help other people interested in using the internet to advance their goals.

I like to think of my new website as the next generation of social networking. It's got a theme, which is a fun and exciting way to get people to think about what they want out of life. If you just can't wait until we launch next year, please feel free to start the process by visiting our site now. We don't have much up yet, but we will soon!

I thought of the idea while reading a TIME magazine article about YOUTUBE and Google on a flight home for Christmas. I realized that the internet has so much potential. Why not use that potential to further my personal goal? My goal is to get other people to think about their goals and make progress toward those goals.

How can the site possibly do this and be fun at the same time? Well, I can't tell you that just yet. I'm afraid you'll have to wait until we launch to find out. However, I can and will tell you more about the process of starting a new internet business. It is easier and cheaper than ever before.

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